In December 2012, CAP published the findings of its comprehensive year-long review into the use of children in peer-to-peer marketing and as brand ambassadors. As a result of that review, CAP is today publishing new guidance for marketers to ensure that such techniques are undertaken responsibly and in accordance with the rules in the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP Code). The guidance clarifies that brand ambassador and peer-to-peer marketing that falls within the scope of the CAP Code must:

  • Be obviously identifiable as marketing activity (the Help Note gives practical examples on how that can be achieved);
  • Do nothing that is likely to result in the physical, mental or moral harm of children; and
  • Not make children feel inferior or unpopular if they do not have a product or do not engage in peer-to-peer marketing and confirms that all the rules in CAP’s dedicated Children’s section apply.

For communications or marketing practices that fall outside the scope of the CAP Code, the Help Note encourages marketers to seek parental consent before engaging a child in the role of a brand ambassador.

Read the new Help Note here.

Marketers are also encouraged to seek free, confidential advice on their advertising from the CAP Copy Advice team.

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